In today’s climate of global disruption, where remote and virtual working is becoming the norm, it’s more important than ever to make sure your people are connected with one another. Teams are needing to re-form into new habits and structures. Which is where we can help…….

By creating an honest and trusting environment to address and confront challenges, identify and analyse issues, explore weaknesses and successes – teams are provided with the tools to enable current and future self-diagnosis to improve their relationships, tackle issues and improve effectiveness.

The colours provide the language to do this honestly but safely. Any team is going to be a mix of different colours, understanding how they show up from each other and the impact that has is the key. There is no ‘right’ or ‘best’ mix of colours in a team, effective teams are simply those that are aware of their combined colour preferences and use this awareness to enhance their performance together.

The measurable results will be higher quality team communication, a culture of interdependence and a stronger team cohesion against collective adversity.

Get In Touch

Get in touch with the team here at Kingshurst Consulting to see how we can help you

We Do Leadership Development

Transformational times require transformational Leaders….

In the virtual world leaders need to create and maintain- Clarity of shared purpose and vision – Understanding of others – Trust and compassion- Innovation- Collaboration-  Effective processes

We offer programmes to develop and enhance leadership at all levels so that your leaders can develop and lead high performing teams.

Effective leaders are aware of the impact their behaviours have on those they lead directly and indirectly. Effective leaders will also be aware of the different preferences inherent in all workforces.

We recognise that understanding your leadership style and then being able to flex it to the needs of those you lead is a powerful combination that will create higher engagement, motivation and therefore performance

We Do Personal Development

Utilising a toolkit consisting of Insights Discovery, powerful facilitation and high-level coaching skills we can unlock your ability to:

    • Understand your preferred working style
    • Build better relationships
    • Understand how your behaviour affects you and those around you
    • Develop self-awareness through your own personal profile
    • Address communication challenges

We Do Change

It seems that if there is one consistent issue that all organisations face, it is change.

There are many models that help us understand what happens when an organisation goes through a change but it is increasingly true now that change is not often a single process with a start, middle and end. It is more likely that an organisation will be enacting and responding to a constant and overlapping series of changes, which requires agility.

The key to dealing effectively with change as an organisation is to understand the different ways that individuals react to change and create communications and strategies to manage these reactions. For every employee that is excited by the possibilities in a change and will run at it open-armed without focusing on pragmatic details – there will be another who will struggle to embrace it until some focused information and planning is clarified.

We run programmes to help understand how we and those around us respond to change internally and then behaviourally, and how we can support and challenge ourselves and others to navigate through to effectiveness.