We deliver truly effective personal and professional learning solutions

“I want to push self and fully explore my potential – walk the walk – do what it is that I encourage my clients to do, which is to challenge themselves and be the best they can possibly can be”

Established in 2019, Kingshurst Consulting is the fruition of many years’ hard work and soul searching by Dan Phillips. Dan works for, and with, a number of other top-level Learning and Development Professionals utilising the Insights discovery Model- a powerfully effective personality profile combined with own models and understanding  of behaviour change in the workplace.

Bringing his own experience, candour and humour plus over 30 years’ experience in psychology, behaviour change and facilitation, Kinghurst Consulting can help take you, your team and your organisation on the journey towards the best it can possibly be.

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Who Is Dan Phillips?

“Some time ago I was listening to an interview with a well-known personality. They were reflecting on their drive to develop themselves into a role that fully made use of their interest, skillsets and natural personality – it struck me that this was a drive I shared – creating a mindset and environment where my personality flourishes so I can help, challenge and enable others to be at their height of effectiveness in their working lives"

Dan Phillips is an experienced and highly regarded Learning and Development specialist with a track record in design and delivery of effective learning solutions in business. He has earned outstanding customer feedback from clients across the globe, across sectors and at all levels.

The Journey So Far...

At a fresh faced 22, Dan graduated with a degree in Psychology, a year’s experience as Student Union President and the inevitable large overdraft. With interest in behaviour change he secured initially unpaid work in substance misuse services, supporting young people who were troubled, disillusioned and dependent – helping them to understand themselves and their behaviour in order to help change begin. A tough and rewarding role….

From this client–facing role he moved to substance misuse awareness training, sharing his now extensive knowledge of this area and heading up a provision across Herefordshire and Worcestershire. He later became a Local Authority Learning and Development Business Partner – broadening his skillset and knowledge toward Leadership, team-work and organisational effectiveness.  Core themes remained in focus though- self-awareness of personality to drive effective behaviours in the workplace.

Dan became involved with the Insights Discovery model and its application for business results, delivering workshops and coaching sessions in team and leadership settings. It was at this point Dan had the realisation of where his future lay – To become a Facilitation specialist -using  tools, skills and techniques to enable and grow others through increased awareness of self and others.

Dan joined Insights as a Facilitator in 2014, becoming a subject matter specialist, global facilitator and Train the Trainer of Insights Discovery, running accreditations and renewal programmes in business. His clients include a range of UK corporates in Finance, Retail and Communications and global organisations in pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and engineering.

He is now the Founding Director of Kingshurst Consulting, maintaining strong links with Insights, colleagues and business partners to push himself towards his full potential.


About Insights Discovery

We partner with Insights and Westminster Associates to deliver Insights Discovery. A personality profile based on psychological preferences and explored through a simple (but not simplistic) language of four colours. Everyone is a unique mix of these colours, we will have all four in us but we may have a preference to use some more frequently than others.

It is a tool to develop awareness of ourselves and our behaviours, so we can gain an understanding of how we behave and how that behaviour will impact others.
It doesn’t stop there. Self-awareness is the first step but then the language of colours helps us gain awareness of others, perhaps their similarities and differences in relation to you.

For example when you initially get involved in a project what do you focus on first? Do you look for the end goal? Or get excited about the opportunities present in working with others? Or look for clarity of purpose and specifics? Or do you ensure that all concerned are contributing equally and that the project furthers the values of the organisation?

With self-awareness comes the gift of choice, so knowing how we tend to approach situations allows us to consider what we can do to adapt our style for the best outcomes.